Daily Devotion



Daily Devotional

Let us join together each day to spend time in God’s word.

Daily Devotion: February 7, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Introduction To The Book Of Ruth and A Deep Dive Study Of Chapter One 

We begin with an introduction into the entire book of Ruth which is only 4 chapters. We will study each chapter beginning with chapter one today (below the introduction) and then chapters 2 through 3 over the coming days. 

Introduction: What can be learned from the story of Ruth?

God's care for all people: God cares for people regardless of their race, nationality, or status. God uses unlikely people: God ...
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Daily Devotion: February 6, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Read Micah 6:1-8. The prophet Micah lived in the 8th Century B.C. near the time we read about in 1 Kings 12:1-33.  During the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. He was considered one of the Preexilic Prophets (previous to the exile of the Jews to Babylon in about 600 B.C.) He was speaking in the book of Micah mostly to the southern Kingdom of Judah, however his message is relative to us today. His primary message was for the people in Judah to  realize they were as guilt

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Daily Devotion: February 5, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



What is our relationship with Jesus Christ really like? We wake up every day and thank God for a new day and we spend some time with Him in prayer. We then do our bible study, devotion or what ever form of study into God’s word we are doing at the time. We may ask ourselves every day what our relationship with Jesus Christ is really like. It is a way to self examine where we are in our own Christian life. It is so easy to get off course in our relationship with The Lord Je

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Daily Devotion: February 4, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Psalms 25:1-22 focuses heavily on the theme of seeking God's guidance in times of trouble, emphasizing the idea of complete trust in God even when facing difficulties, with key points including: David's humble plea for direction, the importance of waiting patiently for God's timing, and the assurance of God's faithfulness despite past mistakes; highlighting verses like Psalms 25:4-5 “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths"; "Lead me in your truth and teach me, for

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Daily Devotion: February 3, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Exodus 4:18-31 details Moses's return to Egypt, marking a pivotal moment where he finally submits to God's command and prepares to lead the Israelites out of slavery, demonstrating his obedience through actions despite initial reluctance and by receiving signs of God's power to convince him of his mission; this passage emphasizes the theme of trusting and obeying God even when facing a daunting task like confronting Pharaoh. 

Key points: 

Moses's hesitation:After encounterin...
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Daily Devotion: February 2, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Exodus 4:1-17 details the moment where God provides Moses with three powerful signs to convince the Israelites of his divine calling, addressing Moses' doubts and insecurities about his ability to lead them out of Egypt, ultimately appointing Aaron as his spokesperson to overcome Moses' speech impediment; highlighting God's provision and power despite Moses' initial resistance. 

Key points: 

Moses' reluctance:Despite being chosen by God at the burning bush, Moses expresses h...
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Daily Devotion: February 1, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Study of Psalm 29:1-11

Psalm 29 is a majestic and powerful psalm that praises God's power and majesty. It is attributed to King David and is considered one of the most beautiful and expressive psalms in the Bible.

The psalm can be divided into three main sections:

1. Call to Worship Psalms 29:1-2

2. Description of God's Power Psalms 29:3-9

3. Declaration of God's Sovereignty Psalms 29:10-11

The Key Themes

God's Power and Majesty: The psalm emphasizes God's power and majesty, usin...
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Daily Devotion January 31, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Psalm 1:1-6 <== click the verse to read. This psalm is a foundational Psalm that contrasts the life of the righteous person who delights in God's law with the life of the wicked, essentially presenting two distinct paths in life - one leading to blessing and the other to destruction; it highlights the importance of actively choosing to live according to God's instructions to experience true happiness and prosperity. 

Key points of Psalm 1: 

Central theme:The blessedness of t...
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Daily Devotion: January 30, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Are we all a ‘doubting Thomas’?

In the Book of John 20 these verses detail the resurrection of Jesus and beginning in John 20:24 it shares the story of Thomas (called Didymus) a disciple who wasn’t present when Jesus appeared to the other disciples after His resurrection. When the others told him that they had seen Jesus and that He was in fact alive, Thomas declared that only would he believe Jesus had risen from the dead if he was able to personally see Jesus himself and

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Daily Devotion: January 29, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Lord Of The Sabbath

Study of Mark 2:23-28 Part 4 of 4

In all devotions click the verses written in bold and underlined. A box will pop up with the scripture for you to read.

In Mark 2:23-24 Jesus disciples were walking along a footpath through someone’s grain fields on the sabbath. They began picking heads of grain to eat. It was considered legitimate by scripture Deuteronomy 23:25. Pharisees however viewed it as reaping, an act of work which was forbidden on the sabbath Exod

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Daily Devotion: January 28, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Biblical Reasons For Fasting

Study of Mark 2:18-22 Part 3 of 4

In all devotions click the verses written in bold and underlined. A box will pop up with the scripture for you to read.

The definition of fasting is “to voluntarily abstain from”. Initially Mark’s statement lets us know that the remaining followers of John The Baptist and the Pharisees were fasting, presumably while Jesus and His disciples were feasting at the home of Levi/Matthew. The disciples of John The Bapti

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Daily Devotion: January 27, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Tax Collectors and Sinners

Study of Mark 2:13-17. Part 2 of 4

In all devotions click the verses written in bold and underlined. A box will pop up with the scripture for you to read.

Jesus went out from Capernaum to “the lake” otherwise known as the Sea of Galilee. This was the same location where the first disciples Simon Peter and Andrew were called by Jesus to follow Him Mark 1:16. Here in Mark 2:13 we read where Jesus was teaching a large crowd and it kept growing larger.

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Daily Devotion: January 26, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



Jesus and the Paralyzed Man Brought From Above. 

In all devotions click the verses written in bold and underlined. A box will then pop up with the scripture for you to read.

Mark 2:1-12. Jesus had made Capernaum his home base. It is believed based on writings as well as scripture that Jesus stayed with Peter and the event shared in this chapter of Mark is also believed to likely have taken place at Peter’s home. This is also evident in scripture, one example is in Mark 1:29

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Daily Devotion: January 25, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



You were made ON PURPOSE, and FOR A PURPOSE. God’s Word lays that purpose out. We exist to know God and to make HIM known! Tell people of God’s goodness, of His I’ll wondrous deeds, share “This is how God changed my life.” Lead them to get to know Jesus Christ and to accept Him into their own hearts as their Savior. 

Jesus prayed! Right at the beginning of His ministry here on earth, we see our Lord experiencing breakthrough. He heals Peter's mother-in-law and then we see t

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Daily Devotion: January 24, 2025

by: ENBC Webmaster



A 3 hour quiet time routine for you to consider adding to your life for some time spent with God. We all need some time where we sit and give Him and His word our quiet uninterrupted attention. Life is busy but our relationship with God is the most important one we have so let us all try to incorporate this into our life. You know best whether you can do this full plan daily or weekly, some do a shorter version of 90 minutes daily and do a 3 hour once a week. Some people m

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