"Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.” Psalm 144:2.
As a Christian do you have times in your life that make you feel like you’re fighting a war rather than feeling all warm and fuzzy? Most of us can probably relate. We sometimes feel like we are in a battle spiritually and the truth is that we do find ourselves in spiritual battles at times. Life as a Christian doesn’t mean our life is going to be a bed of roses once we accept Jesus into our hearts.
I think we all go through times of feeling vulnerable and as though we are under constant attack. It can make us weary. The key is that we must remember to never try to fight battles on our own strength. God has given His people the promise of His security. In the scripture shared at the beginning of this devotion David praised The Lord giving God credit for helping him win the victory over his enemies. David was taught by the Lord how to fight and God had protected David during battle. We often wonder why God allows us to suffer through different situations in our lives. One is to train us to depend on Him. If we never faced struggles, hard times, battles in our lives we would never go to Him and learn that leaning on Him is where we get our strength and protection from. When we are saved through the blood of Jesus Christ because of our belief and decision to follow Him, it is from that moment forward that we should depend on God for everything.
Apostle Paul gives us an outline in Ephesians 6:10-18 of our six-piece armor of defense against the true enemy we face. This enemy is after our soul until we are saved. Once we are saved the enemy knows he cannot snatch us from the clutches of God’s hand John 10:28 but he can make us be an ineffective Christian who doesn’t serve according to God’s plan for our lives. The enemy, if we allow him can lead us away from Christ and away from fellowship with Him and our Father in Heaven.
The armor of God mentioned in Ephesians is invisible but it is as real as any military equipment used in wars taking place in the world today. We do have to use it in the appropriate and proper way and wear it every minute of every day. It will provide us with a secure protection against the attacks of our enemy. We must allow God to train us, equip us with His supernatural firepower as we need it to go against satan’s attacks. God wants us to come to Him for His protection, His provision and for His power. God wants us to run to Him and allow Him to surround us like a fortress and He wants to shield us and deliver us. He wants us to find peace that surpasses all understanding through Him, Philippians 4:7.
Praise God’s Holy Name that we do not have fight any battle alone. The same God who stepped in for David and subdued his enemies and delivered him through an amazing victory time and time again can and will do that for us today. Just remember to go to Him and give it to Him, leave it with Him and Trust and Believe in Him.
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