What is our responsibility after we get saved? Once saved we do not become perfect. We never were and we never will be. We have all made mistakes and some of us have made what we would consider huge mistakes. However, to God sin is sin James 2:10. By the grace of God we have been forgiven when Jesus touched our hearts, convicted us of our sins and we confessed our sins to God and with a humbled heart we then asked for forgiveness and invited Jesus to come into our heart and save our soul Hebrews 8:10. What then?"
We pray daily for God to guide us in life and we strive every minute to stay on the path God has chosen for us and to live according to His word Psalms 25:4-5. When we accept Jesus as our Savior it doesn't change us to a perfect person, however it does change our heart and make us have the desire to be a person that brings glory and praise to God 2 Corinthians 5:17. We choose to walk after the flesh or to walk after the spirit, walk away from God’s way or walk toward Him. We must pray that we can spend the rest of our life bringing honor, glory and praise to The Lord and seek Him in all we say and do 1 Peter 1:13-16.
Because we are not perfect then we know we will fail and we should remember when we do to first go to God and repent, tell our heavenly Father that we are sorry. Yes, we are forgiven but a contrite heart making things right between our heart and our Lord is the best thing we can ever do 1 John 1:9. We must be careful to never use the fact that we are forgiven as an excuse to sin freely. A truly saved heart will know this John 14:15-23. As a Christian when we grow in our Christian life we find that the convictions from The Lord will come quicker. It seems as if God wants to help us recognize what is wrong before we take the leap. Trying to warn us of the danger 1 Thessalonians 1:4-7.
We can ignore His warning or we can heed them. Reading scripture can bring us conviction as we saw in 2 Chronicles 34:18-21 when God’s word was read to the King, conviction happened and a revival took place. Perhaps God uses someone else to reveal it to us. Perhaps through a sermon preached or at times God places a person in our path that shares with us their experience and shows us from God’s word a verse or passage that speaks clearly to us. In the moment we often will proceed in the flesh if we do not take time to step back, pray and seek God’s way instead of our own Isaiah 55:8. If we act impulsively oftentimes it is guided by the flesh. Pausing to pray and seek God’s word for guidance before leaping is often a good choice to make Matthew 6:33. Learning God’s way comes from spending a lot of time seeking God in prayer, reading The Holy Word of God, studying it and applying it to our life every single day in every single corner of our lives.
If you don't know Jesus as your Savior and have felt God knocking on your heart please choose this day as your time of Salvation Revelation 3:20 is clear that Jesus wants to have a close relationship with everyone that is willing to invite Him into their heart. Seek answers to any questions you have Matthew 7:7-8. Reach out to a Christian friend, a pastor or contact our church and we will have someone get back in touch with you. We would be so honored to show you in God's word how to accept Jesus. Please do not delay. There is nothing more important than to be certain of your salvation Ephesians 1:13-14. Becoming a child of God after being saved will not resolve all of your problems but it will give you a peace in life that nothing else compares to Philippians 4:7. We are all God’s creation but there is only one way to become His child and that is through accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior Ephesians 1:5.
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