Read Micah 6:1-8. The prophet Micah lived in the 8th Century B.C. near the time we read about in 1 Kings 12:1-33. During the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah. He was considered one of the Preexilic Prophets (previous to the exile of the Jews to Babylon in about 600 B.C.) He was speaking in the book of Micah mostly to the southern Kingdom of Judah, however his message is relative to us today. His primary message was for the people in Judah to realize they were as guilty as Israel in these biblical times and they too would be disciplined by God. He showed how God was justified in punishing them. Today, God has given us the bible to guide us, we have something now that the people then did not. We have direct contact with God through the blood shed by Jesus Christ. We have the spirit of God, His Holy Spirit that lives inside of us, if we have accepted Jesus into our hearts as our Savior. Take note of a few points that are shared below for you to read.
Why do we often feel a need to take a sacrifice to God or offer him something rather than just humbly turn to Him, repent or admit what we have done wrong and then direct our focus on our relationship with God? Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice so we can accept Him, believe Him and Follow Him to have the most precious gift ever given, which is eternal life. We then have direct access to God, we have the instruction book straight from God and we have His spirit living inside of us. So read His Word, Hear it, plant it in our hearts, go to Him, ask The Holy Spirit for guidance and then be obedient to God’s word.
Why do we focus more on being religious or to appear righteous more than focusing on having a deeper relationship with Him? In the bible we see the Prophets tell us about being loyal to God, to have a heartfelt obedience to God that is born from our love for Him. Sacrifices and works are merely something to check off on a list. They are part of our service to the Lord but the most important part of being a Christian is having, growing and maintaining a firm, close and lasting relationship with God The Father, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and God’s Holy Spirit, The Trinity of God.
We are His beloved and He knows we are not perfect and He doesn’t want us to be someone to put on a performance for Him. He wants our obedience to come from our heart, born out of our deep and personal love for Him and our wish to please Him. In Micah 6:8 it says He has told us what is good and what is required from us. We know that God wants what is best for His children Romans 8:28. God has given us the book of instructions to guide us in life, The Bible. It tells us what is good and what is bad. What God loves and what He hates. What pleases God and what grieves Him. It is very simple. We see throughout the scriptures the evidence of what occurs in the lives of those who stray from obedience to God’s way. Revelation 1:3 tells us to Read The Word, Hear The Word and to then Do The Word. It is that simple and yet we find it so difficult to follow. The choice is ours so we should not complain when we make the choice to stray from God’s instructions and our life then becomes chaotic. We should not blame God if we must be disciplined to get us to turn back to Him. Reset our focus and go to Him, repent and turn from the sin in our lives. Place our focus on building or perhaps rebuilding our relationship with God and use the good book God has given us as our guide from this point further. Read it, study it and apply it to our life. The key is to be obedient to God and that it comes from our heart and a place of love, a need deep inside of us to please our Father in heaven.
This was written with the Believer in mind. If you don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior please reach out to us, a pastor or a Christian friend and ask them eeto show you in scripture how you can be assured of your salvation. May all Glory, all Honor and every single Praise be given to Almighty God, El-Shaddai and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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