Daily Devotion: February 7, 2025



by: ENBC Webmaster



Introduction To The Book Of Ruth and A Deep Dive Study Of Chapter One 

We begin with an introduction into the entire book of Ruth which is only 4 chapters. We will study each chapter beginning with chapter one today (below the introduction) and then chapters 2 through 3 over the coming days. 

Introduction: What can be learned from the story of Ruth?

  • God's care for all people: God cares for people regardless of their race, nationality, or status. 
  • God uses unlikely people: God uses ordinary people to accomplish great things. 
  • Hope in difficult times: There is hope even in the most difficult times. 
  • God's redeeming love: God's love can redeem people and their lives. 
  • God's providence: God protects people and their families. 
  • God's concern for men and women: Men and women are equally important to God. 
  • God's use of "little" things: God uses small things to accomplish great plans. 
  • Although the book is titled “Ruth” it is just as much a story of Naomi. When her family leaves the Promised Land to escape a famine and things only get worse. Naomi loses almost everything and becomes embittered. But as she returns to her source in the land provided by God, her attitude starts to change.
  • Boaz also figures prominently in this book and is a type of Christ, pouring out care upon Ruth. He selflessly puts others needs ahead of ours, just like our Savior.
  • While the events in this story happened thousands of years ago, when you join us in our study you will discover that the principles inside are very applicable still today. We learn about communication, giving, love, providence, redemption, and courtship. Join with us and see how God may change your life through this study of Ruth!

What can be learned about Ruth herself? 

  • Ruth was loyal, sincere, gracious, courageous, and devoted.
  • Ruth was a descendant of Jesus.
  • Ruth was an example of character, courage, and faith.

Ruth was written in the time of the Judges and by reading that book it should be seen as incredibly encouraging. Even during this time when so many of God’s chosen people worshipped other gods alongside Him (a worship He does not accept), when we come to Ruth we see that there are still those who are faithful and obedient unto God, even to the extent of Gentiles joining themselves to God’s people in order to serve and follow Him. 

How fitting that we are reading one of the many stories foreshadowing our Messiah today, the story of His grandmother (many generations before), Ruth. This book is very special because it is one when you decide to dive deeper into the word and really learn to pick the meat off the bones. Ruth calls many to question some of the things you’ve been taught and where you fit into the plan of our Father. It draws you in and helps direct you to the novel idea of beginning the book at the beginning of the book – and giving the words of our Creator the authority they are due.

Ruth is one of only two books in the Bible named after Gentiles. The other book is Job. Whether or not Luke was a Gentile is still pretty debatable and there are opinions on both sides of the fence.

Ruth is also one of only two books of the Bible named after women, the other being Esther. Esther and Ruth actually have a lot of parallel contrasts, beginning with Ruth being a Gentile living among Jews and Esther being a Jew living among Gentiles. 

It was important to Naomi that her daughter in laws marry again because in Hebrew custom the first son born to their next marriage would be dedicated to their deceased husbands, carry their name, and be able to carry on their line rather than it die out. This would also provide security for both the wives and for Naomi.

Ruth makes five promises to Naomi.
1. Where you go I will go
2. Where you stay I will stay
3. Your people will be my people
4. Your God will be my God
5. Where you die, I will die

This is a beautiful moment that has no doubt made an impression on many of you as it has me. 
It is important to realize that in this moment, Ruth is making a covenant with Naomi. Not only that, but she is joining herself to Israel, promising to worship God, and leaving her old life and ways behind. We tend to look at this book as one of dedicated friendship and even romance, and both elements are certainly there. But an even greater theme is that of Gentiles joining themselves to God’s people through covenant relationship.

It is important to note that gleaning was a right that each land owner was required to offer to the less fortunate. It was a Torah prescribed form of social welfare at the time and owners were explicitly instructed not to harvest all of their land but to leave a certain portion and amount set aside for those in need Leviticus 23:22. This was provided for the poor and especially for widows. 

And lastly, Ruth is a foreshadowing of our Messiah as the kinsman redeemer.

Deep alive Study of Chapter One 

Verse by Verse Commentary

Ruth 1:1. It came about in the days when the judges governed – In Israel this was a lawless time. There was no central authority. They had no king and no government. A circle of deliverance followed by disobedience and oppression repeated itself over and over. Generally speaking, the people had a short memory for following after God. Tribes were loosely connected. And most telling, Judges in several places repeat the phrase that “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” The last few chapters of Judges depict several terrible examples of what happens when people make decisions based on their own morality and understanding rather than on God’s will.

Ruth 1:2. Elimelech and his family fell into this same trap of making a decision based on what was right in their own eyes. A famine descends on the land. So they decide to leave and go to Moab. Moab was only about 50 miles (80km) away from Bethlehem on the eastern side of the Dead Sea. It would have been a decent trip but could be completed in a few days of good-paced walking.

We see the cause for the family to leave Bethlehem as famine. However, we do not see that they prayed or really considered God’s will. While it is not impossible that they may have at least on the surface attempted to ascertain God’s will, the evidence points in the direction that this decision was made in the flesh. In other words, they weighed the alternatives and according to their own understanding decided to leave and go to Moab. Here are some factors that they should have considered:

  • God had led the people of Israel to the Promised Land. He had also promised to bless them in the land with all kinds of rich blessings if they obeyed Him (See Deuteronomy 28:1-14). In the Old Testament, physical blessings tended to follow obedience, and discipline/oppression tended to follow disobedience. Therefore the solution to famine was for the people to repent of whatever sins they were engaged in and call upon the Lord for mercy. It was a spiritual problem primarily and not a geographical one. Elimelech should have looked to God for deliverance from the famine and not to Moab, which had aligned itself against God on more than one occasion.
  • God had repeatedly warned Israel about idolatry and also the dangers of marrying foreign women who were idol worshipers. Elimelech was leading his family into temptation to take them into the heart of an idol-worshiping culture and far away from the tabernacle of God. One very likely consequence was that his sons, who were evidently of marrying age, would intermarry with Moabites. While this was not strictly forbidden (it was forbidden to intermarry with the Canaanites in Deuteronomy 7:1-26 a Moabite and his/her descendants to the 10th generation could not be admitted to the assembly of the Lord to the tenth generation.

Ruth 1:3. How can we discern the plan of God for our lives?– Here is one very important and common question. Many times even believers leave God out of their decision-making process, much as it appears Elimelech did. As James describes in James 4:13-15 people see a business opportunity and make a plan, all without even attempting to consult the Lord or ascertain His plan. Therefore the first step must be that we WANT to know God’s plan. If a person really wants to know God’s plan, it is generally not that hard to find it out. Generally speaking, there are five aspects to consider when searching for God’s plan:

  • The Bible – What does God’s Word say?
  • Prayer – Have you prayed? Are you submitting yourself to God’s plans or merely asking Him to bless your own?
  • Counsel – Have you asked other godly believers their opinion? It is easy to ask people you know will support you. It is beneficial to ask people you know will give you the truth, even when it is hard to accept.
  • Circumstances – Has God so ordained circumstances as to give a clear “no?” Circumstances should not generally be viewed as a positive indicator but can be used by God to close the door for believers who are genuinely seeking His plan.
  • Freedom in Christ – If you have carefully sought God’s will in each of the four areas above, then you can pursue what you believe God is leading you to do and if you are sincerely seeking after His plan He will shut the door if He indeed does not want you to go in that direction.

Application: Whenever you face an important decision, follow the five-step process above. God should be first, middle, and last as you consider what to do. Meanwhile, if you go outside of God’s revealed plan and act on your initiative, you should not be surprised when bad consequences manifest themselves.

Ruth 1:4. Mahlon and Chilion – The meaning of these names are “puny” and “pining” or “weak” and “sickly.” Evidently, even from a young age, these boys struggled with bad health.

Ruth 1:5. Naomi’s husband and sons both died – While the text does not give us the exact cause of death, the entire story indicates that this was God’s discipline on a family that did not seek Him first. Naomi herself concluded that God was afflicting her. The entire book of Ruth as written could be viewed to teach us an important lesson: When you act on your own initiative and stray from God’s plan, then bad things happen. And when you return to His way again, you will be blessed. It is interesting to note that Bethlehem means “House of Bread.” They left the House of Bread and looked to the world to satisfy their needs.

In a similar way, Jesus is our source. He is our Bread of Life. If we leave Him to go our own way we will not be satisfied. The fact is that when the family left the Promised Land and went into an idol-worshiping land, disaster struck. When Naomi finally returned, God’s favor returned to her.

Ruth 1:6-15: Orpah leaves, but Ruth stays 

Verse by Verse Commentary

Naomi did finally decide to return to the land. Although her faith was somewhat “running on low” it was not gone. She “heard that the Lord had visited” (Ruth 1:6) and so she “arose” and she returned to the House of Bread empty at the time of the harvest (Ruth 1:21-22).

Naomi made a difficult decision to leave Moab and return to Bethlehem. Several factors could have discouraged her from returning including:

  • She could have been afraid to face her people back in Bethlehem and perhaps receive their criticism or disapproval.
  • It is generally easier to stay where one is than move. Doing nothing is easier than doing something.
  • Leaving Moab meant leaving behind whatever they had built there such as a house, farm, and friends. It also ended up meaning leaving Orpah.

It should be noted that Naomi was completely committed to returning to Israel. Even when she believed it would cost her both of her daughters-in-law (all her remaining family), she still was strong in her resolve to return.

Application: If you are feeling empty and lost, then you may need to return to your source. Perhaps you have taken it upon yourself to make some decision such as moving to a certain city or taking a certain job. It could be you are looking to the world to satisfy some need. You cannot get filled with worldly things. They will never satisfy. Come to the Lord with your heart and say, “Fill me up, Lord. I need you. Only you can satisfy.” He is the Bread of Life. He can strengthen you and sustain you. You may need to leave your current place or current job. Come even empty-handed and He can fill you up. Hosea 10:12.

Lesson from Orpah – Orpah seems to be a very good daughter-in-law. She seems to be willing to go with Naomi. In Ruth 1:7 she departed together with Naomi. And even after Naomi tried to persuade her to stay, she still insisted to go with her (Ruth 1:10). Only after Naomi convinced her a second time did she return to the land.

Perhaps Orpah was torn. She did have an attachment to Naomi. But this was not strong enough to cause her to leave everything she knew. In the end, it was easier for her to revert to the mean, to revert to everything she knew and was familiar with. In short, her love was not agape love. It was phileo love. She felt tenderly for Naomi but still did not love her unconditionally. How could she? She had not been converted to true belief in YHWH (see Ruth 1:15) and certainly her gods did not teach unconditional love. From this, we can learn that a person can only love unconditionally if he/she has a relationship with God. Unless God has transformed us we will still finally choose self over others when everything is on the line.

God disciplines those He loves. And He disciplines them to restore them to Himself. In this passage, it appears that Naomi and her family faced the discipline of God in Moab. In the end, it was still intended for good. The ultimate purpose was restoration. See Hebrews 4:4-11.

Discussion Questions

  • What was Naomi’s reason for returning?
  • What types of things may have discouraged her from returning? Was this a good decision? Why or why not?
  • What do we learn in this passage about Naomi? Orpah?
  • What evidence can we see that shows Naomi still believed in the Lord?
  • What motivated Naomi to suggest that they stay in Moab?
  • Why do you think Orpah listened to her and left, but Ruth stayed?
  • Do you agree with Naomi that the “hand of the Lord has gone” against her?
  • If so, for what motive would God deal with her in that way?
  • What do we learn from this passage about discipline?
  • Do you ever feel like God’s hand is against you?
  • When you feel like that, how should you respond?

Ruth 1:16-18: Ruth expresses her loyalty

Verse by Verse Commentary

In these verses we see one of the best expressions of commitment anywhere in the Bible. We see Ruth’s loyalty toward Naomi. Even deeper than that, we see her belief in and conversion by the Lord. In Ruth 1:17 she invokes the name of YHWH. This was the covenant name He used to reveal Himself to His people, the Israelites. It was unusual for non-Jews to refer to God by this special covenant name. Instead, they often used a more general name for God or a descriptor like the kings in Daniel who call Him the “God of heaven.”

Ruth’s use of this name suggests that she has not only committed herself to Naomi, but she has also committed herself to the Lord. In Ruth 1:16 she also states this saying that your God shall be my God. Naomi was not perfect, but it is still clear her life and example had a big impact on Ruth.

A short side lesson from this is that God can use even imperfect sinners to draw others to Himself.

These verses show so many beautiful character qualities of Ruth that we should aspire to:

  • Committed
  • Decisive
  • Loyal
  • Good communicator
  • Perseverance

Ruth’s key quality seen her is unconditional love. Although the word “love” itself is not mentioned these verses are a clear description of it. Her love for Naomi is a decision. It is an action. It is forever. It is unconditional. And she follows through. There is a reason that many wedding vows use these words.

Application: There are a lot of people that we should show commitment and unconditional love to. Our spouse and our children top the list. Too many people make a vow of commitment and then break it because it is inconvenient to follow through. See Psalm 15:4. God wants us to honor our commitments and vows, even if circumstances or emotions change.

Discussion Questions

  • What do we learn from these verses about Ruth’s character?
  • If following Naomi most likely meant a life of poverty without a husband, why would Ruth choose it?
  • What can we learn from her statement about what love is? Loyalty?
  • To whom should we have similar levels of loyalty and commitment?
  • Compare and contrast Ruth and Orpah.

Ruth 1:19-21 Noami is bitter

Verse by Verse Commentary

In small villages news travels fast. It didn’t take long before all the people in Bethlehem knew that Naomi was back. Fear of criticism from such people who probably were not above being busy-bodies could have discouraged Naomi from returning, but she came back anyway.

Naomi returned, but her attitude was still not right – She changed her name to Mara, which means bitter. Rather than turning back to the Lord with a sweet spirit, she was still holding on to some bitter things about what had happened. A person cannot truly be restored to the Lord and be filled until they deal with and repent of the wrong emotions inside of them.

Application: Examine your own attitudes and emotions. If you have become bitter or resentful toward a person or God, then before you can be filled spiritually you must deal with that bitterness.

It is human nature to look at the bad side of things. Naomi stated that she came back “empty.” In fact, the women of Bethlehem said that Ruth was better to her than seven sons (Ruth 4:15). While her life was far from empty, she pessimistically looked at the negative side and took Ruth for granted.


Judges 21:25 – In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

Exodus 6:8 – ‘I will bring you to the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacoband I will give it to you for a possession; I am the LORD.'”

Numbers 14:8 – “If the LORD is pleased with us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us–a land which flows with milk and honey.

Deuteronomy 23:3-6 – No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, not even in the tenth generation. For they did not come to meet you with bread and water on your way when you came out of Egypt, and they hired Balaam son of Beor from Pethor in Aram Naharaim to pronounce a curse on you. However, the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam but turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you. 6 Do not seek a treaty of friendship with them as long as you live.

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

James 4:13-15 – Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

Join us tomorrow for a study of Ruth Chapter Two

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Introduction To The Book Of Ruth and A Deep Dive Study Of Chapter One 

We begin with an introduction into the entire book of Ruth which is only 4 chapters. We will study each chapter beginning with chapter one today (below the introduction) and then chapters 2 through 3 over the coming days. 

Introduction: What can be learned from the story of Ruth?

  • God's care for all people: God cares for people regardless of their race, nationality, or status. 
  • God uses unlikely people: God uses ordinary people to accomplish great things. 
  • Hope in difficult times: There is hope even in the most difficult times. 
  • God's redeeming love: God's love can redeem people and their lives. 
  • God's providence: God protects people and their families. 
  • God's concern for men and women: Men and women are equally important to God. 
  • God's use of "little" things: God uses small things to accomplish great plans. 
  • Although the book is titled “Ruth” it is just as much a story of Naomi. When her family leaves the Promised Land to escape a famine and things only get worse. Naomi loses almost everything and becomes embittered. But as she returns to her source in the land provided by God, her attitude starts to change.
  • Boaz also figures prominently in this book and is a type of Christ, pouring out care upon Ruth. He selflessly puts others needs ahead of ours, just like our Savior.
  • While the events in this story happened thousands of years ago, when you join us in our study you will discover that the principles inside are very applicable still today. We learn about communication, giving, love, providence, redemption, and courtship. Join with us and see how God may change your life through this study of Ruth!

What can be learned about Ruth herself? 

  • Ruth was loyal, sincere, gracious, courageous, and devoted.
  • Ruth was a descendant of Jesus.
  • Ruth was an example of character, courage, and faith.

Ruth was written in the time of the Judges and by reading that book it should be seen as incredibly encouraging. Even during this time when so many of God’s chosen people worshipped other gods alongside Him (a worship He does not accept), when we come to Ruth we see that there are still those who are faithful and obedient unto God, even to the extent of Gentiles joining themselves to God’s people in order to serve and follow Him. 

How fitting that we are reading one of the many stories foreshadowing our Messiah today, the story of His grandmother (many generations before), Ruth. This book is very special because it is one when you decide to dive deeper into the word and really learn to pick the meat off the bones. Ruth calls many to question some of the things you’ve been taught and where you fit into the plan of our Father. It draws you in and helps direct you to the novel idea of beginning the book at the beginning of the book – and giving the words of our Creator the authority they are due.

Ruth is one of only two books in the Bible named after Gentiles. The other book is Job. Whether or not Luke was a Gentile is still pretty debatable and there are opinions on both sides of the fence.

Ruth is also one of only two books of the Bible named after women, the other being Esther. Esther and Ruth actually have a lot of parallel contrasts, beginning with Ruth being a Gentile living among Jews and Esther being a Jew living among Gentiles. 

It was important to Naomi that her daughter in laws marry again because in Hebrew custom the first son born to their next marriage would be dedicated to their deceased husbands, carry their name, and be able to carry on their line rather than it die out. This would also provide security for both the wives and for Naomi.

Ruth makes five promises to Naomi.
1. Where you go I will go
2. Where you stay I will stay
3. Your people will be my people
4. Your God will be my God
5. Where you die, I will die

This is a beautiful moment that has no doubt made an impression on many of you as it has me. 
It is important to realize that in this moment, Ruth is making a covenant with Naomi. Not only that, but she is joining herself to Israel, promising to worship God, and leaving her old life and ways behind. We tend to look at this book as one of dedicated friendship and even romance, and both elements are certainly there. But an even greater theme is that of Gentiles joining themselves to God’s people through covenant relationship.

It is important to note that gleaning was a right that each land owner was required to offer to the less fortunate. It was a Torah prescribed form of social welfare at the time and owners were explicitly instructed not to harvest all of their land but to leave a certain portion and amount set aside for those in need Leviticus 23:22. This was provided for the poor and especially for widows. 

And lastly, Ruth is a foreshadowing of our Messiah as the kinsman redeemer.

Deep alive Study of Chapter One 

Verse by Verse Commentary

Ruth 1:1. It came about in the days when the judges governed – In Israel this was a lawless time. There was no central authority. They had no king and no government. A circle of deliverance followed by disobedience and oppression repeated itself over and over. Generally speaking, the people had a short memory for following after God. Tribes were loosely connected. And most telling, Judges in several places repeat the phrase that “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” The last few chapters of Judges depict several terrible examples of what happens when people make decisions based on their own morality and understanding rather than on God’s will.

Ruth 1:2. Elimelech and his family fell into this same trap of making a decision based on what was right in their own eyes. A famine descends on the land. So they decide to leave and go to Moab. Moab was only about 50 miles (80km) away from Bethlehem on the eastern side of the Dead Sea. It would have been a decent trip but could be completed in a few days of good-paced walking.

We see the cause for the family to leave Bethlehem as famine. However, we do not see that they prayed or really considered God’s will. While it is not impossible that they may have at least on the surface attempted to ascertain God’s will, the evidence points in the direction that this decision was made in the flesh. In other words, they weighed the alternatives and according to their own understanding decided to leave and go to Moab. Here are some factors that they should have considered:

  • God had led the people of Israel to the Promised Land. He had also promised to bless them in the land with all kinds of rich blessings if they obeyed Him (See Deuteronomy 28:1-14). In the Old Testament, physical blessings tended to follow obedience, and discipline/oppression tended to follow disobedience. Therefore the solution to famine was for the people to repent of whatever sins they were engaged in and call upon the Lord for mercy. It was a spiritual problem primarily and not a geographical one. Elimelech should have looked to God for deliverance from the famine and not to Moab, which had aligned itself against God on more than one occasion.
  • God had repeatedly warned Israel about idolatry and also the dangers of marrying foreign women who were idol worshipers. Elimelech was leading his family into temptation to take them into the heart of an idol-worshiping culture and far away from the tabernacle of God. One very likely consequence was that his sons, who were evidently of marrying age, would intermarry with Moabites. While this was not strictly forbidden (it was forbidden to intermarry with the Canaanites in Deuteronomy 7:1-26 a Moabite and his/her descendants to the 10th generation could not be admitted to the assembly of the Lord to the tenth generation.

Ruth 1:3. How can we discern the plan of God for our lives?– Here is one very important and common question. Many times even believers leave God out of their decision-making process, much as it appears Elimelech did. As James describes in James 4:13-15 people see a business opportunity and make a plan, all without even attempting to consult the Lord or ascertain His plan. Therefore the first step must be that we WANT to know God’s plan. If a person really wants to know God’s plan, it is generally not that hard to find it out. Generally speaking, there are five aspects to consider when searching for God’s plan:

  • The Bible – What does God’s Word say?
  • Prayer – Have you prayed? Are you submitting yourself to God’s plans or merely asking Him to bless your own?
  • Counsel – Have you asked other godly believers their opinion? It is easy to ask people you know will support you. It is beneficial to ask people you know will give you the truth, even when it is hard to accept.
  • Circumstances – Has God so ordained circumstances as to give a clear “no?” Circumstances should not generally be viewed as a positive indicator but can be used by God to close the door for believers who are genuinely seeking His plan.
  • Freedom in Christ – If you have carefully sought God’s will in each of the four areas above, then you can pursue what you believe God is leading you to do and if you are sincerely seeking after His plan He will shut the door if He indeed does not want you to go in that direction.

Application: Whenever you face an important decision, follow the five-step process above. God should be first, middle, and last as you consider what to do. Meanwhile, if you go outside of God’s revealed plan and act on your initiative, you should not be surprised when bad consequences manifest themselves.

Ruth 1:4. Mahlon and Chilion – The meaning of these names are “puny” and “pining” or “weak” and “sickly.” Evidently, even from a young age, these boys struggled with bad health.

Ruth 1:5. Naomi’s husband and sons both died – While the text does not give us the exact cause of death, the entire story indicates that this was God’s discipline on a family that did not seek Him first. Naomi herself concluded that God was afflicting her. The entire book of Ruth as written could be viewed to teach us an important lesson: When you act on your own initiative and stray from God’s plan, then bad things happen. And when you return to His way again, you will be blessed. It is interesting to note that Bethlehem means “House of Bread.” They left the House of Bread and looked to the world to satisfy their needs.

In a similar way, Jesus is our source. He is our Bread of Life. If we leave Him to go our own way we will not be satisfied. The fact is that when the family left the Promised Land and went into an idol-worshiping land, disaster struck. When Naomi finally returned, God’s favor returned to her.

Ruth 1:6-15: Orpah leaves, but Ruth stays 

Verse by Verse Commentary

Naomi did finally decide to return to the land. Although her faith was somewhat “running on low” it was not gone. She “heard that the Lord had visited” (Ruth 1:6) and so she “arose” and she returned to the House of Bread empty at the time of the harvest (Ruth 1:21-22).

Naomi made a difficult decision to leave Moab and return to Bethlehem. Several factors could have discouraged her from returning including:

  • She could have been afraid to face her people back in Bethlehem and perhaps receive their criticism or disapproval.
  • It is generally easier to stay where one is than move. Doing nothing is easier than doing something.
  • Leaving Moab meant leaving behind whatever they had built there such as a house, farm, and friends. It also ended up meaning leaving Orpah.

It should be noted that Naomi was completely committed to returning to Israel. Even when she believed it would cost her both of her daughters-in-law (all her remaining family), she still was strong in her resolve to return.

Application: If you are feeling empty and lost, then you may need to return to your source. Perhaps you have taken it upon yourself to make some decision such as moving to a certain city or taking a certain job. It could be you are looking to the world to satisfy some need. You cannot get filled with worldly things. They will never satisfy. Come to the Lord with your heart and say, “Fill me up, Lord. I need you. Only you can satisfy.” He is the Bread of Life. He can strengthen you and sustain you. You may need to leave your current place or current job. Come even empty-handed and He can fill you up. Hosea 10:12.

Lesson from Orpah – Orpah seems to be a very good daughter-in-law. She seems to be willing to go with Naomi. In Ruth 1:7 she departed together with Naomi. And even after Naomi tried to persuade her to stay, she still insisted to go with her (Ruth 1:10). Only after Naomi convinced her a second time did she return to the land.

Perhaps Orpah was torn. She did have an attachment to Naomi. But this was not strong enough to cause her to leave everything she knew. In the end, it was easier for her to revert to the mean, to revert to everything she knew and was familiar with. In short, her love was not agape love. It was phileo love. She felt tenderly for Naomi but still did not love her unconditionally. How could she? She had not been converted to true belief in YHWH (see Ruth 1:15) and certainly her gods did not teach unconditional love. From this, we can learn that a person can only love unconditionally if he/she has a relationship with God. Unless God has transformed us we will still finally choose self over others when everything is on the line.

God disciplines those He loves. And He disciplines them to restore them to Himself. In this passage, it appears that Naomi and her family faced the discipline of God in Moab. In the end, it was still intended for good. The ultimate purpose was restoration. See Hebrews 4:4-11.

Discussion Questions

  • What was Naomi’s reason for returning?
  • What types of things may have discouraged her from returning? Was this a good decision? Why or why not?
  • What do we learn in this passage about Naomi? Orpah?
  • What evidence can we see that shows Naomi still believed in the Lord?
  • What motivated Naomi to suggest that they stay in Moab?
  • Why do you think Orpah listened to her and left, but Ruth stayed?
  • Do you agree with Naomi that the “hand of the Lord has gone” against her?
  • If so, for what motive would God deal with her in that way?
  • What do we learn from this passage about discipline?
  • Do you ever feel like God’s hand is against you?
  • When you feel like that, how should you respond?

Ruth 1:16-18: Ruth expresses her loyalty

Verse by Verse Commentary

In these verses we see one of the best expressions of commitment anywhere in the Bible. We see Ruth’s loyalty toward Naomi. Even deeper than that, we see her belief in and conversion by the Lord. In Ruth 1:17 she invokes the name of YHWH. This was the covenant name He used to reveal Himself to His people, the Israelites. It was unusual for non-Jews to refer to God by this special covenant name. Instead, they often used a more general name for God or a descriptor like the kings in Daniel who call Him the “God of heaven.”

Ruth’s use of this name suggests that she has not only committed herself to Naomi, but she has also committed herself to the Lord. In Ruth 1:16 she also states this saying that your God shall be my God. Naomi was not perfect, but it is still clear her life and example had a big impact on Ruth.

A short side lesson from this is that God can use even imperfect sinners to draw others to Himself.

These verses show so many beautiful character qualities of Ruth that we should aspire to:

  • Committed
  • Decisive
  • Loyal
  • Good communicator
  • Perseverance

Ruth’s key quality seen her is unconditional love. Although the word “love” itself is not mentioned these verses are a clear description of it. Her love for Naomi is a decision. It is an action. It is forever. It is unconditional. And she follows through. There is a reason that many wedding vows use these words.

Application: There are a lot of people that we should show commitment and unconditional love to. Our spouse and our children top the list. Too many people make a vow of commitment and then break it because it is inconvenient to follow through. See Psalm 15:4. God wants us to honor our commitments and vows, even if circumstances or emotions change.

Discussion Questions

  • What do we learn from these verses about Ruth’s character?
  • If following Naomi most likely meant a life of poverty without a husband, why would Ruth choose it?
  • What can we learn from her statement about what love is? Loyalty?
  • To whom should we have similar levels of loyalty and commitment?
  • Compare and contrast Ruth and Orpah.

Ruth 1:19-21 Noami is bitter

Verse by Verse Commentary

In small villages news travels fast. It didn’t take long before all the people in Bethlehem knew that Naomi was back. Fear of criticism from such people who probably were not above being busy-bodies could have discouraged Naomi from returning, but she came back anyway.

Naomi returned, but her attitude was still not right – She changed her name to Mara, which means bitter. Rather than turning back to the Lord with a sweet spirit, she was still holding on to some bitter things about what had happened. A person cannot truly be restored to the Lord and be filled until they deal with and repent of the wrong emotions inside of them.

Application: Examine your own attitudes and emotions. If you have become bitter or resentful toward a person or God, then before you can be filled spiritually you must deal with that bitterness.

It is human nature to look at the bad side of things. Naomi stated that she came back “empty.” In fact, the women of Bethlehem said that Ruth was better to her than seven sons (Ruth 4:15). While her life was far from empty, she pessimistically looked at the negative side and took Ruth for granted.


Judges 21:25 – In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

Exodus 6:8 – ‘I will bring you to the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacoband I will give it to you for a possession; I am the LORD.'”

Numbers 14:8 – “If the LORD is pleased with us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us–a land which flows with milk and honey.

Deuteronomy 23:3-6 – No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, not even in the tenth generation. For they did not come to meet you with bread and water on your way when you came out of Egypt, and they hired Balaam son of Beor from Pethor in Aram Naharaim to pronounce a curse on you. However, the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam but turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you. 6 Do not seek a treaty of friendship with them as long as you live.

Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

James 4:13-15 – Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”

Join us tomorrow for a study of Ruth Chapter Two

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