Constantly renewing your mind.
Romans 12:2 Deliberately thinking of things that are lovely and pure. Philippians 4:8 Deeply understanding that His grace is sufficient for any trial you're facing. 2 Corinthians 12:9 Picture the reality the your body is at temple of God. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20... and maybe most importantly, hide His Word in your heart that you might not sin against God. Psalm 119:11.
When satan came to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, Jesus was able to use scripture to resist. He knew what the Word ACTUALLY said so he could withstand the lies and tricks of the devil. Practical advice that has helped so many: When the devil comes with his lies and temptation, pray, seek the face of God, read your Bible. Darkness cannot overcome light. John 1:5. Avoid situations that make it easier to sin. For example, monitor what you watch or listen to, that helps unwanted thoughts persist. Luke 11:34 Don't invite temptation by flirting with something or someone that is likely to lead down a path you'll regret later. Forgive yourself and truly repent when you "mess up" but learn from it. Don’t repeat it.
Facing trauma or difficulties in life can make sin FEEL like a solution when somewhere in us we KNOW it's not. That is not the answer. No matter how cliche it sounds, Jesus is literally the ONLY answer. Lonely? Turn to Jesus. Unfulfilled? Jesus! Rejected or need validation? Need for connection? Nurture yourself in a group of believers. Any of it... There's scripture for that. Really search what the tempter is using as temptation and pray that the void he is using can be filled with something real and not the world's fake solutions that don't last. Jesus is real. John 4:13-14 You are a new creation in Christ. When you have been hurt by others always remember that you do not want to do to yourself what has been done to you. 2 Corinthians 5:17. Trust in Jesus and turn to Him. Turn to a Christian friend or a Pastor for support.
Note: when scriptures mentioned in the devotions are in bold and underlined if you click the scripture then a window should pop up that contains the verse(s) for you to read. If the passage is too long then in the window it may require you to click a link to read the full passage of scripture.
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