Daily Devotion: January 17, 2025



by: ENBC Webmaster



Deborah’s story is a powerful reminder of several key truths. It shows us that God’s plans often unfold in ways we cannot predict, through people we might not expect. It challenges us to step out in faith, even when the path seems uncertain, trusting that God is with us and that He is working out His purposes through our lives. Deborah’s faith, leadership, and the victory God brought through her encourage us to trust in God’s timing, seek His will, and be ready to act in obedience to His call. For women today, especially those new to exploring scripture, Deborah’s story is an invitation to see themselves as God sees them: capable, strong, and called for a purpose. It’s a call to lean into faith, embrace the roles God has for us, and to walk in them with courage, knowing that He is with us every step of the way.

The Story of Deborah in the Bible Summary

Deborah’s story stands out as a beacon of God’s power and presence, especially when His people turn to Him in times of need. Deborah herself is a multifaceted figure of the Old Testament. She’s not just a prophetess, receiving and delivering messages directly from God, but also a judge over Israel during a time when leadership was crucial for survival and spiritual direction. What sets Deborah apart is not just her roles but how she embodies them with wisdom, courage, and faithfulness, making her one of the most respected leaders of her time. During Deborah’s leadership, the Israelites were oppressed by Jabin, the king of Canaan, whose army was commanded by Sisera. This oppression lasted for twenty years, a time marked by hardship and crying out to God for deliverance. In this backdrop, Deborah steps forward, not just as a leader but as a vessel through which God would bring deliverance to His people.

One of the most compelling aspects of Deborah’s story is her partnership with Barak. She sends for Barak and delivers God’s command: to lead an attack against Sisera’s army. However, Barak’s response is one of hesitation; he agrees to go only if Deborah goes with him. Deborah agrees but also prophesies that the honor of defeating Sisera would go to a woman, not Barak. This moment is pivotal, illustrating Deborah’s unwavering faith in God’s promise and her role as a leader who stands firm in the face of doubt and fear.

The battle itself is a dramatic testament to God’s power. Deborah and Barak lead the Israelites against Sisera’s forces, and despite the formidable challenge, they emerge victorious.  The victory, however, is completed in an unexpected way — through Jael, a woman who kills Sisera, fulfilling Deborah’s prophecy and highlighting the theme of God working through unexpected means and people. After the victory, Deborah and Barak sing a song of triumph, recorded in Judges 5. This song is not just a celebration of victory but a profound declaration of faith in God’s justice, provision, and leadership. It praises the Lord for the courage of Israel’s leaders and the willingness of the people to follow God’s call.

Bible Study – Deborah

The story of Deborah is found in the Old Testament, in the Book of Judges – chapters 4 and 5. Deborah’s role as a prophetess, judge, and her involvement in the battle against the Canaanites under the command of Sisera, as well as the famous Song of Deborah, are detailed in these chapters.

  • Deborah as a Prophetess and Judge:
    • Judges 4:4-5: Introduces Deborah as a prophetess leading Israel at that time, holding court under the Palm of Deborah.
  • Deborah’s Command to Barak:
    • Judges 4:6-9: Deborah sends for Barak and instructs him to lead an attack against Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army. She prophesies victory but tells Barak that the honor of the victory will not be his.
  • The Battle against Sisera:
    • Judges 4:10-16: Describes the gathering of the Israelite troops and the battle itself, where God confuses Sisera and his army, leading to Israel’s victory.
  • Jael’s Role in Defeating Sisera:
    • Judges 4:17-22: After fleeing the battlefield, Sisera is killed by Jael, fulfilling Deborah’s prophecy that a woman would defeat Sisera.
  • The Song of Deborah and Barak:
    • Judges 5:1-31: This entire chapter is the Song of Deborah and Barak, a victory song that praises God for the triumph over the Canaanites and recounts the events of the battle.

Let’s now dive into some reflection questions to help you better apply lessons from her life to your own:

  1. Who is Deborah, and what roles does she hold in Israel as described in Judges Chapter 4?
  2. What can we learn from Deborah’s leadership about the empowerment of women in God’s roles for them and spiritual guidance?
  3. How does Deborah’s story fit into the broader story of the Judges and God’s dealings with Israel during this period?
  4. Deborah was a leader who actively participated in God’s plan for deliverance. How can you be more active in seeking and following God’s guidance in your life?
  5. Reflect on the partnership between Deborah and Barak. How does this partnership model the importance of collaboration and mutual respect in accomplishing God’s work?

Deborah in the Bible was one of the most influential women in the Old Testament. She was a prophetess, a warrior, a songwriter, and the only female judge to shepherd God’s people and lead Israel into battle against their enemies. Her leadership, wisdom, and courage have been the subject of countless devotionals, seminars, and sermons, and the Song of Deborah and Barak (Judges 5) is widely regarded as one of the first and finest examples of Hebrew poetry in the Bible. But who was Deborah, and what can we learn from her leadership, her character, and her role in the biblical narrative?

As was too often the case, Israel’s troubles were entirely the result of their own sin and idol worship, which God sought to correct Judges 4:1-2. And so began the cycle of rebellion, loss of freedom and oppression, repentance, and restoration that we read about in the book of Judges. In his book from Creation To The Cross, Albert Baylis describes this era: “If the book of Joshua is a flowing stream, fresh and invigorating with direction and power, then in Judges the river turns sluggish and muddy, its polluted water ultimately spiraling down a storm drain” (173). Despite Israel’s appetite for rebellion and idolatry, in their cries for deliverance, God sent help in the form of the judges. According to Matthew Henry’s Commentary judges were often prophets “instructed in Divine knowledge by the inspiration of the Spirit of God” and civic leaders, given authority to judge “Israel as God’s mouth to them; correcting abuses, and redressing grievances.” On many occasions, the judges also served as military commanders who led Israel in battle against foreign adversaries. Deborah in the Bible was one of these judges. Though we know very little about Deborah’s actual family, the book of Judges tells us that Deborah came from the hill country of Ephraim between Bethel and Ramah. There, under a palm tree, she sat, providing godly wisdom and guidance to those who sought counsel Judges 4:4-5. We also know that Deborah was married to a man named Lappidoth Judges 4:4, though not much is known about him beyond his name.

Deborah would go on to lead Israel against the Canaanites, their king Jabin, and their military general Sisera, calling on a Jewish warrior named Barak to command Israel’s army. To Deborah’s request, Barak famously replied, “if you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go” Judges 4:8. Deborah would agree to accompany Barak. However, she informed him that, because of his hesitancy, “the honor shall not be yours… for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hands of a woman” Judges 4:9. Deborah’s prophecy would soon come to fruition. As Israel routed Sisera’s forces at Mount Tebor, Sisera, the Canaanite general, escaped, seeking refuge in the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite Judges 4:17. But as Canaan’s top military leader slept soundly, Jael shoved a tent spike through Sisera’s head, killing him where he lay Judges 4:21. With his army decimated and trusted general dead, Jabin, the king of Canaan, was soon defeated. The people of Israel were liberated from the Canaanites Judges 7:24.  Deborah and Barak would then sing of this victory, praising God for His faithfulness and deliverance of their people. One of the first examples of Hebrew poetry recorded in the Bible is the Song of Deborah and Barak Judges 5:1-31. Deborah would serve God and Israel as a judge for forty years. There are several key lessons we can learn from Deborah’s leadership and example during this time.

1. Prosperity Should Never Lead to Complacency

Although Israel’s servitude at the hands of the Canaanites, Midianites, Philistines, and other nations was a result of their sin and idolatry, the Israelites had not done themselves any favors by refusing to remove these nations and their influence from the land, as God had instructed in the book of Joshua. Instead, the temptation of foreign gods and the presence of false worship remained, slowly reshaping the culture and turning the hearts of the people away from God in the process.

The Israelites’ prosperity following the days of Joshua should have solidified their faith. However, instead of being grateful and humble, the people became complacent and self-indulgent. Matthew Henry writes, “thus the prosperity of fools destroys them.” Because the people of Israel neglected to glorify God in good times, they were forced to seek Him in times of trouble. The same is true for believers today. God uses tough times and anointed leaders like Deborah to wake His people and break them of the habit of sin and complacency when necessary.

2. God Calls for Obedience

Among the judges of Israel, Deborah was unique in that she not only led by example, but she was also bold, assertive, and obedient in both her personal and public life. Deborah’s calling as a judge was not her sole occupation. She was also a wife, a warrior, a prophetess, and a songwriter, and in all things, she proved faithful. The lesson here is that God’s ultimate call for His creation is obedience. We all wear many hats and fulfill many roles in life, but whether it’s in our jobs, our relationships, or our families, God calls us to be faithful and obedient in all areas of life, big and small, public and private.

3. Leaders Lead

Though Deborah called upon Barak to lead Israel’s army into battle, her delegation should not be seen as an attempt to shake responsibility or “pass the buck.” On the contrary. Barak insisted Deborah accompany him, and Deborah committed to going. She would not send him somewhere she was not willing to go herself. Like any good leader, Deborah led the way. She stepped up when called Judges 5:8, and did not hesitate to act; what she called Israel to do in public, she committed to do in her personal relationship with God. Sadly, the later kings of Israel did not follow suit; as their hearts went, so went the nation of Israel. Deborah, however, led by example and modeled courage, swift action, obedience, and a willingness to speak the truth, standing behind those she called to action. “Those who in God’s name call others to their duty, should be ready to assist them in it” Matthew Henry. Deborah modeled this aspect of leadership better than most.

4. When God Goes Before Us, What Have We to Fear?

Although Deborah’s courage is legendary, her confidence did not come from her abilities or Israel’s army. In fact, the armies of Israel were largely outnumbered by Sisera and his many chariots. But where Sisera trusted in the might of his army, Deborah trusted in God’s power and provision Psalms 20:6-9. Knowing that God was not only for Israel but had gone before them was all the strength she needed to take action, get the job done, and inspire others to step out in faith as well Judges 5:14. For Christians today, Matthew Henry offers this powerful reminder: “be not dismayed at the difficulties thou meetest with in resisting satan, in serving God, or suffering for him; for is not the Lord gone before thee?”

5. God Deserves Swift Gratitude and Praise

Following their victory over Sisera and the Canaanites, Deborah and Barak did what Israel had failed to do since the days of Joshua: ascribe all glory, honor, and praise to the Lord Judges 5:1-31,  And like most things in life, Deborah and Barak did not hesitate to worship. In this way, complacency and self-adoration had been momentarily overcome by Israel’s leadership. They recognized that, no matter what they or the army had done, God deserved the credit. Believers today would be wise to imitate this behavior and not waste time giving credit and praise to the Lord when it is due.

6. Look to the Past, But Look Beyond to the Promise of the Future

In the Song of Deborah and Barak, the songwriter(s) remind the people of the cost of their disobedience and the reasons they had gotten into trouble with the Canaanites in the first place.

Here we find an honest reckoning with the past and a charge for Israel to “wake up” and return to their God. However, in acknowledging the sins of Israel’s past, Deborah also looks to the joy of their present salvation and hope for an even better future. This is vital to the survival of any civilization. Deborah reminded the people that, though they had betrayed God and broken covenant with Him, He had remained faithful. Knowing this, the children of Israel could look forward to even better days if they would cast aside their idols and return fully to the Lord.

7. God Elevates Those He Chooses

It is no coincidence that the great Canaanite general Sisera was brought down by a girl and a single iron nail. In this way, God demonstrates His tendency to use the “weak things of the world to confound the mighty” 1 Corinthians 1:27. The apostle Paul would continue, “God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him” 1 Corinthians 1:29. In this way, as Deborah had promised, Jael was given a special honor for her role in killing an enemy of God’s people. “Most blessed of women is Jael,” Deborah sings Judges 5:24. Furthermore, a lot has been written about Deborah’s role as a woman in the Old Testament, and it is true; it was not common for women to hold positions of such power and influence in that culture at that time. However, as we see throughout Scripture, God does not hesitate to raise up, equip, empower, and promote His faithful servants, regardless of their social status, abilities, or lack thereof. Deborah sings, “thus let all your enemies perish, O Lord; but let those who love Him be like the rising of the sun in its might” Judges 5:31. Deborah would play an incredible role in the history of Israel and has gone on to become one of the most influential women in all of Scripture. However, it is not Deborah or Barak, or Jael who deserves glory or praise. They are not worshipped because they are not the ultimate heroes of this story or the ultimate saviors of Israel. That role is reserved for God and God alone, before whom “the mountains quaked at the presence of the Lord” Judges 5:5.

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Deborah’s story is a powerful reminder of several key truths. It shows us that God’s plans often unfold in ways we cannot predict, through people we might not expect. It challenges us to step out in faith, even when the path seems uncertain, trusting that God is with us and that He is working out His purposes through our lives. Deborah’s faith, leadership, and the victory God brought through her encourage us to trust in God’s timing, seek His will, and be ready to act in obedience to His call. For women today, especially those new to exploring scripture, Deborah’s story is an invitation to see themselves as God sees them: capable, strong, and called for a purpose. It’s a call to lean into faith, embrace the roles God has for us, and to walk in them with courage, knowing that He is with us every step of the way.

The Story of Deborah in the Bible Summary

Deborah’s story stands out as a beacon of God’s power and presence, especially when His people turn to Him in times of need. Deborah herself is a multifaceted figure of the Old Testament. She’s not just a prophetess, receiving and delivering messages directly from God, but also a judge over Israel during a time when leadership was crucial for survival and spiritual direction. What sets Deborah apart is not just her roles but how she embodies them with wisdom, courage, and faithfulness, making her one of the most respected leaders of her time. During Deborah’s leadership, the Israelites were oppressed by Jabin, the king of Canaan, whose army was commanded by Sisera. This oppression lasted for twenty years, a time marked by hardship and crying out to God for deliverance. In this backdrop, Deborah steps forward, not just as a leader but as a vessel through which God would bring deliverance to His people.

One of the most compelling aspects of Deborah’s story is her partnership with Barak. She sends for Barak and delivers God’s command: to lead an attack against Sisera’s army. However, Barak’s response is one of hesitation; he agrees to go only if Deborah goes with him. Deborah agrees but also prophesies that the honor of defeating Sisera would go to a woman, not Barak. This moment is pivotal, illustrating Deborah’s unwavering faith in God’s promise and her role as a leader who stands firm in the face of doubt and fear.

The battle itself is a dramatic testament to God’s power. Deborah and Barak lead the Israelites against Sisera’s forces, and despite the formidable challenge, they emerge victorious.  The victory, however, is completed in an unexpected way — through Jael, a woman who kills Sisera, fulfilling Deborah’s prophecy and highlighting the theme of God working through unexpected means and people. After the victory, Deborah and Barak sing a song of triumph, recorded in Judges 5. This song is not just a celebration of victory but a profound declaration of faith in God’s justice, provision, and leadership. It praises the Lord for the courage of Israel’s leaders and the willingness of the people to follow God’s call.

Bible Study – Deborah

The story of Deborah is found in the Old Testament, in the Book of Judges – chapters 4 and 5. Deborah’s role as a prophetess, judge, and her involvement in the battle against the Canaanites under the command of Sisera, as well as the famous Song of Deborah, are detailed in these chapters.

  • Deborah as a Prophetess and Judge:
    • Judges 4:4-5: Introduces Deborah as a prophetess leading Israel at that time, holding court under the Palm of Deborah.
  • Deborah’s Command to Barak:
    • Judges 4:6-9: Deborah sends for Barak and instructs him to lead an attack against Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army. She prophesies victory but tells Barak that the honor of the victory will not be his.
  • The Battle against Sisera:
    • Judges 4:10-16: Describes the gathering of the Israelite troops and the battle itself, where God confuses Sisera and his army, leading to Israel’s victory.
  • Jael’s Role in Defeating Sisera:
    • Judges 4:17-22: After fleeing the battlefield, Sisera is killed by Jael, fulfilling Deborah’s prophecy that a woman would defeat Sisera.
  • The Song of Deborah and Barak:
    • Judges 5:1-31: This entire chapter is the Song of Deborah and Barak, a victory song that praises God for the triumph over the Canaanites and recounts the events of the battle.

Let’s now dive into some reflection questions to help you better apply lessons from her life to your own:

  1. Who is Deborah, and what roles does she hold in Israel as described in Judges Chapter 4?
  2. What can we learn from Deborah’s leadership about the empowerment of women in God’s roles for them and spiritual guidance?
  3. How does Deborah’s story fit into the broader story of the Judges and God’s dealings with Israel during this period?
  4. Deborah was a leader who actively participated in God’s plan for deliverance. How can you be more active in seeking and following God’s guidance in your life?
  5. Reflect on the partnership between Deborah and Barak. How does this partnership model the importance of collaboration and mutual respect in accomplishing God’s work?

Deborah in the Bible was one of the most influential women in the Old Testament. She was a prophetess, a warrior, a songwriter, and the only female judge to shepherd God’s people and lead Israel into battle against their enemies. Her leadership, wisdom, and courage have been the subject of countless devotionals, seminars, and sermons, and the Song of Deborah and Barak (Judges 5) is widely regarded as one of the first and finest examples of Hebrew poetry in the Bible. But who was Deborah, and what can we learn from her leadership, her character, and her role in the biblical narrative?

As was too often the case, Israel’s troubles were entirely the result of their own sin and idol worship, which God sought to correct Judges 4:1-2. And so began the cycle of rebellion, loss of freedom and oppression, repentance, and restoration that we read about in the book of Judges. In his book from Creation To The Cross, Albert Baylis describes this era: “If the book of Joshua is a flowing stream, fresh and invigorating with direction and power, then in Judges the river turns sluggish and muddy, its polluted water ultimately spiraling down a storm drain” (173). Despite Israel’s appetite for rebellion and idolatry, in their cries for deliverance, God sent help in the form of the judges. According to Matthew Henry’s Commentary judges were often prophets “instructed in Divine knowledge by the inspiration of the Spirit of God” and civic leaders, given authority to judge “Israel as God’s mouth to them; correcting abuses, and redressing grievances.” On many occasions, the judges also served as military commanders who led Israel in battle against foreign adversaries. Deborah in the Bible was one of these judges. Though we know very little about Deborah’s actual family, the book of Judges tells us that Deborah came from the hill country of Ephraim between Bethel and Ramah. There, under a palm tree, she sat, providing godly wisdom and guidance to those who sought counsel Judges 4:4-5. We also know that Deborah was married to a man named Lappidoth Judges 4:4, though not much is known about him beyond his name.

Deborah would go on to lead Israel against the Canaanites, their king Jabin, and their military general Sisera, calling on a Jewish warrior named Barak to command Israel’s army. To Deborah’s request, Barak famously replied, “if you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go” Judges 4:8. Deborah would agree to accompany Barak. However, she informed him that, because of his hesitancy, “the honor shall not be yours… for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hands of a woman” Judges 4:9. Deborah’s prophecy would soon come to fruition. As Israel routed Sisera’s forces at Mount Tebor, Sisera, the Canaanite general, escaped, seeking refuge in the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite Judges 4:17. But as Canaan’s top military leader slept soundly, Jael shoved a tent spike through Sisera’s head, killing him where he lay Judges 4:21. With his army decimated and trusted general dead, Jabin, the king of Canaan, was soon defeated. The people of Israel were liberated from the Canaanites Judges 7:24.  Deborah and Barak would then sing of this victory, praising God for His faithfulness and deliverance of their people. One of the first examples of Hebrew poetry recorded in the Bible is the Song of Deborah and Barak Judges 5:1-31. Deborah would serve God and Israel as a judge for forty years. There are several key lessons we can learn from Deborah’s leadership and example during this time.

1. Prosperity Should Never Lead to Complacency

Although Israel’s servitude at the hands of the Canaanites, Midianites, Philistines, and other nations was a result of their sin and idolatry, the Israelites had not done themselves any favors by refusing to remove these nations and their influence from the land, as God had instructed in the book of Joshua. Instead, the temptation of foreign gods and the presence of false worship remained, slowly reshaping the culture and turning the hearts of the people away from God in the process.

The Israelites’ prosperity following the days of Joshua should have solidified their faith. However, instead of being grateful and humble, the people became complacent and self-indulgent. Matthew Henry writes, “thus the prosperity of fools destroys them.” Because the people of Israel neglected to glorify God in good times, they were forced to seek Him in times of trouble. The same is true for believers today. God uses tough times and anointed leaders like Deborah to wake His people and break them of the habit of sin and complacency when necessary.

2. God Calls for Obedience

Among the judges of Israel, Deborah was unique in that she not only led by example, but she was also bold, assertive, and obedient in both her personal and public life. Deborah’s calling as a judge was not her sole occupation. She was also a wife, a warrior, a prophetess, and a songwriter, and in all things, she proved faithful. The lesson here is that God’s ultimate call for His creation is obedience. We all wear many hats and fulfill many roles in life, but whether it’s in our jobs, our relationships, or our families, God calls us to be faithful and obedient in all areas of life, big and small, public and private.

3. Leaders Lead

Though Deborah called upon Barak to lead Israel’s army into battle, her delegation should not be seen as an attempt to shake responsibility or “pass the buck.” On the contrary. Barak insisted Deborah accompany him, and Deborah committed to going. She would not send him somewhere she was not willing to go herself. Like any good leader, Deborah led the way. She stepped up when called Judges 5:8, and did not hesitate to act; what she called Israel to do in public, she committed to do in her personal relationship with God. Sadly, the later kings of Israel did not follow suit; as their hearts went, so went the nation of Israel. Deborah, however, led by example and modeled courage, swift action, obedience, and a willingness to speak the truth, standing behind those she called to action. “Those who in God’s name call others to their duty, should be ready to assist them in it” Matthew Henry. Deborah modeled this aspect of leadership better than most.

4. When God Goes Before Us, What Have We to Fear?

Although Deborah’s courage is legendary, her confidence did not come from her abilities or Israel’s army. In fact, the armies of Israel were largely outnumbered by Sisera and his many chariots. But where Sisera trusted in the might of his army, Deborah trusted in God’s power and provision Psalms 20:6-9. Knowing that God was not only for Israel but had gone before them was all the strength she needed to take action, get the job done, and inspire others to step out in faith as well Judges 5:14. For Christians today, Matthew Henry offers this powerful reminder: “be not dismayed at the difficulties thou meetest with in resisting satan, in serving God, or suffering for him; for is not the Lord gone before thee?”

5. God Deserves Swift Gratitude and Praise

Following their victory over Sisera and the Canaanites, Deborah and Barak did what Israel had failed to do since the days of Joshua: ascribe all glory, honor, and praise to the Lord Judges 5:1-31,  And like most things in life, Deborah and Barak did not hesitate to worship. In this way, complacency and self-adoration had been momentarily overcome by Israel’s leadership. They recognized that, no matter what they or the army had done, God deserved the credit. Believers today would be wise to imitate this behavior and not waste time giving credit and praise to the Lord when it is due.

6. Look to the Past, But Look Beyond to the Promise of the Future

In the Song of Deborah and Barak, the songwriter(s) remind the people of the cost of their disobedience and the reasons they had gotten into trouble with the Canaanites in the first place.

Here we find an honest reckoning with the past and a charge for Israel to “wake up” and return to their God. However, in acknowledging the sins of Israel’s past, Deborah also looks to the joy of their present salvation and hope for an even better future. This is vital to the survival of any civilization. Deborah reminded the people that, though they had betrayed God and broken covenant with Him, He had remained faithful. Knowing this, the children of Israel could look forward to even better days if they would cast aside their idols and return fully to the Lord.

7. God Elevates Those He Chooses

It is no coincidence that the great Canaanite general Sisera was brought down by a girl and a single iron nail. In this way, God demonstrates His tendency to use the “weak things of the world to confound the mighty” 1 Corinthians 1:27. The apostle Paul would continue, “God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him” 1 Corinthians 1:29. In this way, as Deborah had promised, Jael was given a special honor for her role in killing an enemy of God’s people. “Most blessed of women is Jael,” Deborah sings Judges 5:24. Furthermore, a lot has been written about Deborah’s role as a woman in the Old Testament, and it is true; it was not common for women to hold positions of such power and influence in that culture at that time. However, as we see throughout Scripture, God does not hesitate to raise up, equip, empower, and promote His faithful servants, regardless of their social status, abilities, or lack thereof. Deborah sings, “thus let all your enemies perish, O Lord; but let those who love Him be like the rising of the sun in its might” Judges 5:31. Deborah would play an incredible role in the history of Israel and has gone on to become one of the most influential women in all of Scripture. However, it is not Deborah or Barak, or Jael who deserves glory or praise. They are not worshipped because they are not the ultimate heroes of this story or the ultimate saviors of Israel. That role is reserved for God and God alone, before whom “the mountains quaked at the presence of the Lord” Judges 5:5.

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