Loving Jesus. We say we love Jesus, we often whisper it in prayer, say it when singing a hymn, when arriving or leaving church, when looking upon a cross or perhaps when taking communion. The phrase is said by most of us often enough. We say “I Love You” to our children and they say it to us. We say it to our spouse or a boyfriend, girlfriend or friend But what about “I Love You Jesus?” What if Jesus is waiting for us to say that to Him, how long would He have to wait to hear it from us? Would that please Him to hear us say that to Him? Would it truly come from our heart if we were to say it?
The hymnals are filled with songs expressing love, different types of love, fervent, perfect, wondrous, redeeming, holy, gracious, patient and everlasting love. We sing many songs in praise and worship giving Him words of love and asking Him to bring us the fruits of love. We are moved by His love. What is love?
Many people think of love as a mere emotion, a feeling that idly sits there in our hearts for someone, waiting to be used as an expression or shared as a sentiment. Love is an action word. If we were to ask someone, especially our child or grandchild how much they love us they bound into action throwing their arms wide open to embrace us with the biggest and most precious hug that evolves into a squeeze and even an occasional grunt from trying to show just how big their love is for us.
It is the same with The Lord our God. Read the action in John 3:16 “God so loved the world that He GAVE His one and only Son.” Jesus didn’t choose to love us and stay in heaven. He took action and left all of heaven, came to earth and GAVE Himself as a random for all even when he knew some would reject Him. He MADE the supreme sacrifice and PAID our debt.
We see Him as a man of action showing His love for us. Isaiah 53:5; John 15:13; 1 Peter 4:8; John 8:35 for a few examples. Love is a badge of our faith. If we believe, how can we not love? If we love, how can we not show it in our actions? Life gets in the way, that is understandable but we can make a more conscious effort to frequently and regularly reach out to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our Father in Heaven, God’s Holy Spirit with thankfulness and showing our love in word and in action. It should be evident in all we say and do. Throughout our day saying “Thank you Jesus. Thank you my Heavenly Father for sending your Holy Spirit to me.” We all should take the time right now to read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 as if we have never read them before. Apply these words to the way we show love to our Father in Heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us end today’s devotion with a heartfelt and resounding “I Love You Jesus Christ.” and “Thank you Jesus for all you have done, are doing and will do in the future.” It is in the precious name of Jesus Christ that we pray this and all prayers. Amen.
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