I love the book of Esther even though it is a very mysterious book. While studying this book in God’s word you’ll notice that throughout this entire book of the Bible, not once is God's name mentioned. However, time and time again we can see God at work. We can see his hands in play at so many points during this story. As a Christian when reading this book we may have concerns about the moral character displayed by Esther and Mordecai. After immediately going to read several commentaries on this book that may bring even more confusion as they in some cases were very critical. However we must realize that God made sure this book was included in the Bible for a reason. There is a lesson to learn from this. So therefore after prayer and further reading, stopping often to pray again. In the end there is a great lesson from witnessing both their strength and their weaknesses and then applying those up against the scriptures of God's word. It teaches that not all characters we read about in the Bible are to be models for us to follow. Just because God uses someone such as King David, it doesn't mean that all of his behavior was of such that we should follow.
We should view all characters in the Bible as a lesson for us and not necessarily always as characters of virtue that we should follow. We today are not always people of virtue nor are we always amazing models of perfect behaviors. Before we assume a person of today is a positive role model we first compare their behavior to God's life instructions given to us in scripture. Just as we do this now, we also are shown in the bible situations where characters in those days are too learning from their own mistakes, their own flaws. We need to read of these situations and the people who experienced them so we learn to hold up those things and compare them to what God says is right and what He says is wrong. We follow God, not man.
Another point from this book is that some Christians have made Mary (mother of Jesus) too important. It has become apparent that some also make Esther out to be an icon of worship. During Purim, children will boo when Haman is mentioned and cheer at the mere mention of Esther and Mordecai. She is deserving in many ways to be called a heroine. She risked her life to save the Jewish people. She is a heroine. However her feet were made from clay just as yours and mine. We cannot put any human being onto a pedestal and make them anything more than who they were or are. They are a human that may have done a wonderful thing and from their life there may be examples to consider and lessons to learn. Only God, our Father can be our foundation. People can be models for us but it is only God The Father, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit that we should bow to in worship and take instructions from.
By holding biblical stories such as the one of Esther and Mordecai, even stories about David, King Solomon and others up to plumb inspection against the scriptures we find one of the greatest facts we could ever hope for. Yes, even when we fail, even when we commit sin, even when we do not behave in a way pleasing to God He still loves us, When we are out of God's Will He loves us and is there waiting with His arms open wide for us to return to Him. That is so amazing to comprehend. It should make us want to remain in His will, to please him with our actions because we never want Him to have to wait for our return. However we know we’re human and we will fail and it is such a blessing to know that even then, He loves us.
What can be most absorbed from the book of Esther is another sign of just how great God's love is for us. How forgiving He is to us, just how willing He is to forgive us even when our behavior doesn't deserve it. Even through times when we are doing bad things God can turn that around for good. We face so many flaws in ourselves and face so many situations that cause us to have to choose between right and wrong. We must pray that we are given the wisdom by God to always choose the right path and to trust in Him.
Read The Book of Esther. Click each link to read the verses.
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